2024 October WEBINAR Session 2 Continuing Education Registration Closed

22 Oct 2024 - 24 Oct 2024
Summit Mortgage Training Virtual Classroom

You are registering for a package of 12 hours of WEBINAR classes to be held on two different days in the same week! 

 Once you've completed the 8 hour class you will have fulfilled the requirement to complete 8 hours of Continuing Education annually.  If you're licensed in Pennsylvania, you will have also completed your requirement for 1 hour of state-specific Continuing Education each year.

Once you've completed both the 8 hour class and the 4 hour NJ class, you will have fulfilled the NJ requirement of 12 total hours of annual Continuing Education.

If you have questions about your specific requirements, please call us at 
800-264-0958.  We are happy to help you register for the classes you need!

October session 2 schedule image

Technical Requirements: You will need a desktop computer, laptop computer, or tablet with a reliable internet connection and a webcam to attend this course.  NMLS Regulations prohibit attending a course on a cellular phone!

 ***IMPORTANT:  The NMLS Requires all students in a webinar Continuing Education course to have a working webcam.  Webcams will remain on for the duration of the course, and students must be visible to the instructor and facilitator from the shoulders up for the entire course.  Please do not register for this course if you do not have a working webcam.  NMLS Approved Course Providers are NOT allowed to permit exceptions to this rule!***


The courses you will complete in this package are: 

7 Hour SAFE Core: Essential Topics 2024
NMLS Course ID# 16098

This course satisfies the annual continuing education requirements for mortgage loan originators set forth by the SAFE Act. SAFE Comprehensive: 2022 Required topics and PA Law covers topics required by the SAFE Act, including 3 hours of federal law, 2 hours of ethics, and 2 hours of nontraditional mortgage lending. This course also satisfies the requirements set forth by the SAFE Act for a 1-hour Pennsylvania elective continuing education course for MLOs.

1 Hour PA SAFE: Pennsylvania Law
NMLS Course ID #16100
This course satisfies the requirements set forth by PA's Mortgage Licensing Act for 1 hour of PA continuing education for MLOs annually.

2 Hour NJ SAFE: 2024 New Jersey Law
NMLS Course ID# 16102
This course satisfies the requirements of the SAFE Act for a 2-hour New Jersey CE course for MLOs. This course covers provisions set forth by the New Jersey Residential Mortgage Lending Act specific to license renewal, advertising, recordkeeping, reporting, notification, prohibited conduct, home lending, and enforcement.

2 Hour SAFE Elective: Maximum Loan Amount
NMLS Course ID #16103
This course satisfies the requirements for 2 additional elective hours to satisfy the 4 hours required for NJ Continuing Education.  This course covers the specifics of calculating the maximum loan amount for various loan products.

Important Information: This course is delivered via a live feed of an instructor presenting course material and is designed to allow the student to communicate in real time with the instructor as well as fellow students. Once registered, you will receive access to your student portal where you will find all of your class materials.

Please note the following attendance information pertaining to your webinar to receive full credit:

  • All students must attest to the Rules of Conduct prior to entry into the webinar
  • The NMLS requires all student to be visible on webcam for the duration of the webinar.
  • To verify identity, students are required to display Government Issued IDs.
  • Students failing to log in at least 15 minutes prior to the webinar risk not being admitted and receiving credit.
  • You will only be given credit for the webinar if you have met all NMLS attendance, participation and identification requirements.
  • If a student misses any portion of a webinar, no credit will be given.
  • Absolutely no refunds are given for missed classes.

***Important: Course fees, once paid, are non-refundable.  If for any reason you are not able to attend a class for which you have registered, please let us know as soon as possible.  We will make every effort to move your registration to an upcoming class if one is available for no additional charge.  Each student is allowed one rescheduled registration if an additional class is available before registration fees will be forfeited. ***


Date Tue, Oct 22 2024 8:30 am GMT-4 (America/New_York)
End Date Thu, Oct 24 2024 8:30 am GMT-4 (America/New_York)
Event Time Zone EST
Cut Off Date Mon, Oct 21 2024 6:40 pm GMT-4 (America/New_York)
Individual Price $229
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